4 pieces of my work were exhibited in the Zari Gallery in London. The Exhibition was made up of 34 artists who were also current or former athletes.

Above are the 4 artworks I decided to exhibit. I went for a mixture of mediums to try to show the range of styles I like to work in.
A-Z of Disability in the Media. I made this at university and I think it is still relevant today. Mainstream media is littered with outdated stereotypes and overused tropes concerning the disabled community, usually with little to no input from disabled creators themselves!
Tiger and Friends. I spent a large part of February 2022 obsessively working in this style, using a purple pen as an outline for an array of unusual characters and choosing 3 colours to fill them in (using watercolour paints). In the past I have shied away from colour, often opting for pure black line instead, but this was so fun I hope to incorporate more colour in the future.
Tokyo 2021. My competition in the Tokyo Paralympics did not go to plan, I didn’t get to take home a medal like I had hoped, and I was dropped from funding as a result. However, I wanted to create something more positive from the experience so spent a few days painting this, using a reference image I took whilst travelling by coach to the Paralympic Village from the holding camp.
Random Placement on Google Maps (Painting 02). Spending the winter in Winnipeg meant I was surrounded by snow and freezing weather for many months in a row, I couldn’t safely go outside and draw for any substantial length of time, so I took to Google Maps to find sunnier imagery to paint from.